
Why Former Black Tumb?

 My grandmas were both wonderful gardeners. I remember helping them weed and water the flowers. Gardening with them gave me a love of plants that has lasted into adulthood. Unfortunately I wasn't blessed with their green-thumb. Starting in my teens, I killed every plant I've owned up to the past few years. I had a little better luck with outside plants, but not much.  I considered myself hospice for plants. They came to my house to die. LOL But, I kept trying because I was determined to have at least one I could keep alive.  About the time I was about to give up I ran across a post (no clue who wrote it or I would link to them) about how no one really has a black thumb. People who think they do just need more practice. They said that with enough practice and learning, anyone could have a green thumb. I was really encouraged by this, and that year I set a goal of having 1 of my plants I'd collected over the spring/summer make it through the winter. I believe 3 out of 20 made